National health care vs. Veterans health care

As a new member of , let me begin by saying THANKS to all of you for your service, it's an honor to be here. I'm very impressed with this site, and the passion of it's members to help and assist other vets. With that in mind, I will continue my blog. We all know of the continuing controversy in congress and the senate with the proposed health care reform package. Some are for it, others against it, ( for the record, I'm totally against it) , but it seems that no one is posing the question I keep coming back to. How come we aren't trying to fix Veterans health care first ? Our nations hero's deserve so much better. If the Democrats get their way, it's concievable that an illegal alien, ( sorry, the PC term is undocumented worker) will have better insurance then our Veterans. While a Veteran has to go to certain facilities, wait for hours, and recieve a few minutes of a Drs. attention, an undocumented worker will be able to go to any hospital, and recieve care. I propose this, our Veterans should be able to go to ANY medical facility , clinic, lab in the country and immediatly recieve care, with the VA recieving the bill. If it were up to me, they'd get head of the line privliges, but hey, I'm realistic. Our representitives will be on thier August recess soon. It is the perfect time to attend a town hall mtg. , write a letter, send an email. Just let your voice be heard. Lets send a message to Washington that the power grab needs to stop, and our Veterans need to be cared for first.Thanks for reading. Have a fine Navy day.
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  • Good post Anthony.

    Look at medicare/aid, ran by the Government and broke. I am on Federal Workmans Comp and let me tell you, it is a numbers game with loads of waiting for any service. This is the model of universal health care and it is a nightmare. Do not let any politician tell you otherwise.
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