There are so many museum ships that are struggling. In these tough economic times, money is shorter than ever. But, my mind harkens back to the war years and the fact that every Navy ship could count on help and sacrifice from their sister ships and crews! There are a myriad of stories of that dedication! It was and is common in not conflict times as well!

So, my question is this! Why are we not seeing one museum ship helping another? In fact, there are cases of isolationism, jealousy and competition! As an example, one of the big costs involved in ship maintenance is towing! Yet, we have several former Navy tugs, both yard tugs and ocean tugs! Some of which have been returned to complete functional ability. So, why when it comes to needing to be towed are we not having a museum tug tow a museum ship? If a tow is going to cost $250K privately, couldn't the tug museum use $50K for helping out? Plus, there is always the opportunity to trade materials and labor. If a museum has something like say a PBR that doesn't run and another museum ship has engine men that could get it running?Are we shipmates or not?

Through history the ships of our Navy have depended on one another! Shouldn't our historical Navy ships be continuing the tradition and doing the same? Wouldn't that make the financial situation a little less burdensome? Wouldn't that be adding one more factor of authenticity?

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