Thank you for your comments to my last post. It is good to know that us old sea dogs are still in the fight. I think the media and the Obama camp are all underestimating what we can do in this election and over estimating the "Young vote". Most of the young fanatic Obama supporters will still be sleeping off their hangovers when the polls close next week. My daughter goes to a tech school that has allot of young black kids. Please understand, I am not dispariging the black vote, when she asked them why Obama, not one of them could give any reason other then he is black. I told her, I would not worry too much about them. I dought if they even know where or when to vote. But old salts like us will be at the polling places early on Nov 4. Now more then ever it is important to get out the vote.I just read an article today by Newt Gingrich former speaker of the house and he said that the Dems in congress are planing from the Nov 4 election a supermajoraty win so that every bill they pass is veto proof. Before Bush is even gone they are planning a massive 300 Billion spending bill promised by Nancy Pelosi back a few weeks ago. Included in the bill will be a 20 billion dollor cut in defense spending. If you served with either Carter or Clinton you know what I mean.Originaly pegged at 150 billion, it ballooned as pork was added to it. Make no mistake the military is in trouble if we do not stop not only Obama, but the Democrats from a one party congress. Congress is suspose to be representative of all the people not just certain groups.Does anyone, Democrat or Republican, belive that the Democrats do not deal with special interest groups. The differance is they think it is ok becasue they deal for the "Right" special intrest groups.
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  • Jim, I am like you, I am not ashamed to be a Republican or a conservative but I am not happy with the Republicans the have been acting more like Democrats in the last few years, which is why they are not longer the power party. If I wanted to vote for Democrats I would have joined the Democrat party. You are right Jim, this is not the party of John F. Kennedy. He would have been concidered a traitor to the party if he were alive today.
  • I didn't say I was ashamed to be a Democrat. I said I'm ashamed of the Democratic Party. I still can't believe Hillary and Obama were the 2 best people from the Party !!
  • Nice Conversation. Yes, the democratic party has been taken over by people hell bent on making America Socialistic. This may be the day we see it with an obama win and super majority in the house. Unfortunate that he is my generation that is about to put a huge stain on our History.

    Doug, I agree as we have seen an opportunity for the Republican party to show the American people how strong it can be but for some damn reason, Bush failed to implement a lot of things that would have made a whole lot of sense but instead done things that make at least me shake my head. How can a Nation go to War yet leave the Borders wide open? He may have the balls versus a lot of dem's but the compassionate side is full of non-sense.

    As for clinton. He in my mind is a traitor when he passed on military secrets to the chinese government. I can pretty much almost say the same for Bush when he failed to stop the transition of a company that build special magnets for the smart bombs to moving too china. Did you all know about that? The only place in the world who makes these special magnets moved from the USA to china. Now, do you really think those magnets are protected from the enemy now? Not only have these two presidents of the baby-boomer generation give critical military technology to the chinese but slapped the American people in so many ways and they might as well signed a death wish.

    The 25% military cut is going to devastate our defenses. Say goodbye to the Missile Defense and any new weapons like the F35 project. The F35 was already in a thin line so it may be axed all together.

    I agree, they're is nothing wrong on being a democrat as I have met and still are friends with some really good people that I can say are old school democrats. Not this new, aggressive, socialist movement we are witnessing. We are possibly experiencing a new era in politics that in my opinion is a dangerous road too take.

    Check this guy out on Youtube:
  • Ray, I hate to have to agree with you on this, but I'm afraid your right. God help us.
  • I am sorry to all the people that read my last blog. Congress is not planning a 20 billion dollor cut to the defense budget. They are planing a 25% cut in the defense budget. This could equate to much more then 20 Billion. Add that onto what Obama plans on doing with the military, (According to his speaches), and America is in allot of trouble.
  • Douglas, My daughter says the same thing about the kids in her school. The problem is she goes to collage and all the kids are voting age.
    Jim, There is nothing wrong with being a Democrat. My father was a democrate his whole life. But this part is not my fathers Democtaic party. My Dad was a democrart and a conservative. The people runing the Democratic party today, like Nacy Polosi and Harry Reid are the people my dad you to complain about in the 60's. The hippies have aged and taken power. The bigest differance between the 60's hippie and the current Democrats in power is the men have short hair and they take baths.
  • I've asked my son to simply ask his young friends, "Tell me 3 things about Barack Obama that make him a great candidate for President." There's never a response.

    I'm pretty angry at Republicans and that they've squandered some opportunities to protect our freedoms and minimized government, but in the end I still can't bring myself to vote for someone who's voting record is both partisan and rides the party lines.
  • I am a Democrat and have been since 1975. I am ashamed of the Democratic Party. It seems all the want to do is make themselves richer and destry our Country. I served when both Carter and Clinton were President. Carter really tried to stick it to us. All I remember from Clinton though is the Don't ask don't tell BS. I think I will have to vote for McCain, if for no other reason than the fact that he is NAVY.
  • I hear ya, Ray. Some of the mess that they are getting away with these days is just down right unbelievable. If folks don't wake up and smell the Joe today, I know that rude slap in the face is comming in the near future. I'm afraid that the reason most are voting for Obama is because he's black, not even 100%, just 12%. The scarey part is Islamic part,and his connection with radicals. Oh well, all we can do is keep the faith,keep family close and stand with our " Pro-American Brothers " as Palin calls us. I sure am glad to see that there are a few of us who can still see through the fog and still believe in what our great grandparents and grandparents held so near and dear to their hearts. God bless us and our wonderful country he will guide us through this mess. All of the young folks I meet through my kids, I tell them to stay in school and get all the education they can stuff in thier brains, because they will damn sure need it to get what we are fixing to see. They are our future !
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