Who do you want as Commander-In-Chief?

We are fast approaching the presidential elections. Now is the time to make up your mind as to who you want as your commander-in-chief. Put aside for a minute your political affiliations. Forget whether you are a republican, democrat, independent or whatever. Forget whether you are a liberal or conservative or somewhere in between. Think about it as Veteran of the armed forces. Who do you want in charge of the greatest military the world has ever seen? Who do you want in charge of our national defense? I agree there are other issues to consider, but for the time being consider this one.One candidate served in the military. One did not. One candidate was a P.O.W. and a war hero. One has not earned yet the respect of the military. One knows and understands the importance of a strong defense to keep our nation free. One believes a strong military invites aggression. One wants to continue to support our military and keep it strong. One wants to cut the military and new weapons development that will prevent the loss of American lives in war time. One candidate supported the surge in Iraq and the other sill will not admit it worked. One candidate has made trips to Iraq in support of the troops. The other only went to Iraq to attempt to talk the Iraq leaders into not making a decision about American troops leaving until after the election. For his own political gain! His meeting of the troops was for photo ops only.The quality of the man that is going to be in charge of our military is the most important thing to me as a Navy Vet. All the other issues have importance to me also but this is the most important. As a veteran who 30 years ago swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States, if I even considered voting for Obama, I could not look at myself in the mirror every morning. I would feel I have betrayed my shipmates and all the men and women that gave their lives in defense of this great nation.The number one job of the United States government is national defense to keep us all safe. Would you really feel comfortable with Obama at the helm? I know I would sleep a little better at night knowing that the president believed in the military he commanded and not try to destroy it. If you served in the 90’s under President Clinton then you know what I am talking about. We went from a 600 ship Navy to a 300 ship Navy. And the other branches were hit just as hard. Compared to Obama, President Clinton was a right wing conservative.There are allot of things I don’t like about John McCain. But on this issue I am behind him 100%. For me this election is an easy decision.
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  • I agree! My house hold has 3 votes and all of them are for McCain! Look at my post on LinkedIn.com under the Navy Vets Group I hit a nerve when I mentioned Drug Policy and Commander-In- Chief and Obamas admission to using cocaine and pot! Obamas has come out and said he will reduce military spending, he has a problem with the authors of the constitution and so how can he take a oath to defend such if he has openly say he has a problem with its principles? Rock star maybe Commander-in Chief of the Free World I hope not! Let’s hope for the Bradley Effect! http://blog.washingtonpost.com/thefix/2008/06/the_race_issue.html
  • I need to toss my flat hat in the ring on this too.

    I could not agree more with Ray's observations. At no other time is the need for a stong (and getting stronger) military more important, IMHO. There are too many "bad guys" on this planet that need to be slapped down and not to have a nice chat & coffee with. Give me a break Obama.

    Great comments about the Clinton era military. I was in during the Carter (and yes the Zumwalt "New Navy") admin. Carter was about as inept as they came when dealing with the enemy. Iranian Embassy ring any bells? I don't see Obama's leadership any better than what I served under. If anything, it could be worse.

    The redistribution of wealth is the one that just has me so frustrated; making me crazy. We all served our country, peace time and in war, to allow us to be free. Freedom means, to me, that what I earn is mine. That includes financial, material and emotional capital. I am more than willing to help a guy when he is down, providing he wants to get back up. That's what this country was founded on - wanting to improve yourself through your own means and own hard work. No free handouts baby, it's about working to have a better way of life.

    Said all that (and having read the other posts) I am fairly certain come the morning of Nov 5th, we are not going to be pleased with the results. Scares me to no end.

    But never, ever underestimate an Old Salt when the chips are down. There is still a lot of fight left in that old sailor and I am pulling for him.
  • Ray, I just want to add one more thing too these folks that are pulling the racist card on us folks that don't care for obama. Martin Luther King said, " Don't judge someone by the color of thier skin, but by the content of thier character." In my opinion obama has a whole lot of questionable content in his character.
    As you can see when you get into our scuttlebutt section Tim and I have gotten into some major ordeals over this election, but you know how it is when the truth some people just can't handle it.
    Glad to see you join us on Navy Vets, welcome aboard Brother.
    D.John Maddalena
  • Thanks guys. I think we veterans have remained silent long enough. We are the people that care more about our nation then ourselves and that is why we served. When bad decisions just effected us we took it on the chin and continued on our mission. But now these decisions are going to negativly effect the nation that we love and the people we swore to protect. We can no longer be silent and just let them think they have the support of the troops. Because it is America that will be hurt and we can not allow that to happen. At least not without a fight. I will not go gentel into that good night. They will know they were in a fight.
  • Ray, I'm with you Brother, I was in '69-'73 and like you I just can't bring self to even think about voting for obama. I just don't feel like he is the patriot we are looking for, if he is one.
  • Nice post and I agree with you 110%. I rather deal with McCain's bad side than obama's good (which is what?).

    Serving in the reserves for a short stunt in the mid-90's, I met a lot of personnel who were leaving the Navy because of clintons bad policy of the military. Now, we have a worse situation if obama were to win. Did you all read how barney frank is calling for a 25% cut in military spending? You should go see what he said about it and if you catch what his statements say, that guy is an idiot. obama and a majority democratic party in D.C. is a dangerous step for this Great Nation with our enemies watching.
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