When will we get it right?

To all of you who put on the uniform of our country, swore our oath of allegiance to protect this country, I salute you.  When will we (This Nation) get it through our heads that our Presidents past and present have sent us into harms way for greed. Look at the lies we have been told about the various wars we have been in. How many of us Vietnam vets. know the Gulf of Tonkin incident never really happened.  It was a false flag incident that got us into a no win war and took the lives of 58,000 women and men.  For what?  Not to fight communism!  No, that war was to satisify the Military Industrial Complex. Only the investors in the US defense companies made money.

Think about the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The USA is not the winner.  Those two wars were fought for greed again.  Innocent men and women put their ass on the line for what?  Oil my friends, nothing else. The US wanted total control of the worlds oil supply. Read the information available to you. There were no weapons of mass destruction.  Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Yet, we went in and bombed the hell out of the country and we killed thousands of innocent people.  Where were the weapons of mass destruction? 

In Afghanistan do you think we went to battle over there to get rid of OBL?  Think again. 

We went there to be able to have access to a rich mineral nation. There is no winner in either conflict. Now we have a nation full of wounded soldiers and those veterans who cannot find jobs because greed sent the jobs overseas to China.

When will we learn?  We need to protest our congress to approve benefits for every woman and man who put on a uniform to fight for this country under a false flag operation. We need to clean out the congress by our votes and put in a real honest President who will keep us out of wars and leave our tax dollars here the rebuild this country.  We do not need a greed factor to run our country. We need to stop giving away our money to those nations who do not like us and invest in fixing this country. Get a clue and see how we are being ruined by our no good congress.

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