My father Diary on December 7th 1941

This is a transcript of Chief Henry Clyde Daniels US Navy of the Destroyer USS Drayton (DD 366). A hand written diary December 7th 1941 to May 1942:

Pearl Harbor, December 7th Sunday 1941

Left Honolulu about 7 o’clock to come back to the ship for a clean uniform.  On the way

back, had a feeling something was wrong or rather that something was going to happen.   

Was waiting for a ships boat at the boat landing in the navy yard when a big explosion

was heard in the vicinity of Hickam airfield.  Everyone was saying what the hell was

that?   Noticed a lot of airplanes coming over, but was used to seeing them.  Then 4

planes flying about 150 ft in the air came directly over us at the landing.  Each plane

had a torpedo in the rack underneath.  As they passed, someone yelled, “ Hey look at the

big red ball painted on the tail of the planes”.  Just about then they let go at the

Battleships, point blank, about 2 min. later we could see the torpedoes exploding in

the ships.  Everyone yelled about the same time “Japs”.  Right after that 10 more planes

came in and each let go a torpedo at the battleships, the Oklahoma, California, West

Virginia, Nevada and Arizona, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Tennessee.  By this time the

guns were opening all around the fleet.  Jap planes were everywhere.  Two planes dove

at us on the landing and machine-gunned us, there was about 150 men waiting for boats. 

Everyone started running and ducking for cover, about 10 were hit.  Bombs were being

dropped all around the harbor and you could see planes dropping and crashing, some of

the bastards diving right down on the ships, making sure they hit them and blowing them

selves up.  Machine guns were being put up all around by Marines and everyone was

grabbing rifles that were being handed out and firing at the planes.  There were some

motorboats at the landing and we grabbed off some crews and started toward the battleships

that were on fire to pick up men that were swimming in the harbor.  Just as we got near to

them, the Oklahoma started turning over and laid over on her side.  Men were scrambling

all over her side that was out of the water.  We picked up a boatload and rushed them to

the nearest dock at the air station.


Oil was 2 inches thick on the harbor by then and the men could hardly swim in it at all. 

Metal and debris was flying everywhere.  We picked up more men when the Arizona’s magazine

blew up everyone in the boat was stunned as we were about 150 yards from her.  You could

see flames shooting up from her 250 feet in the air and when she blew up, bodies were

hurled in the air like bits of paper, some of them landed near us or rather pieces of

them.  We continued picking up men, moving bodies that were floating we left for later. 

Planes were all around the bay for every ship was firing by now.  What a nightmare. 

We continued picking up men until 9 o’clock Sunday night.  Five battleships still burning,

everyone was fighting fire and the oil in the harbor had caught afire.  My ship and the

division had fought there way out of the harbor, so went aboard the USS Whitney to stay. 

Got something to eat then went with the fire and rescue party’s, stay up all night as did

everyone else who was alive.


Monday December 8th 1941


Fires still burning on the ships that were bombed and torpedoed   USS Utah and Oklahoma

lying over on their sides Cutting torches are being used to cut holes in the sides to get

men still alive out, after they turned over.  Everyone still stunned over the attack. 

Went to the Navy yard.  Hundreds of men with no ships wandering Dazed Clothes were being

issued out everywhere.   Navy hospital filled up.   Trucks, carts anything used to haul

men to the hospitals in town.   Hundreds of dead laying out on the grass around the navy

yard   two destroyers in dry dock burned up and turned over on their sides from bombs. 

USS Shaw in the floating dry dock blown in half Boats still picking up bodies from the

harbor.  About 3 o’clock in the afternoon went back to the Whitney and fell asleep. 

Woke up about 2 o’clock in the morning and went with a gang to help fight fires on the

battleships and relieve some men.


Tuesday December 9th


Fought fires until about 3 o’clock in the afternoon.  We were relieved to eat and went

over to the navy yard where they were feeding us.  About 150 women coming thru the yard


headed for the hospital to act as nurses and help out.  Found out they were women from

the sporting houses over in Honolulu.  Went back to USS Whitney and cleaned up and bummed

some clean clothes.  Slept a couple hours then went on S.P. duty over in the yard.


Wednesday December 10th


My ship came back in port and pulled up to the oil docks to fuel.  Went aboard, was glad

to get aboard, we fueled in about 2 hours then shoved out with rest of the division. 

Headed to join the Lexington and a task force.  As we went out of the harbor, everyone

had a lump in their throat as we gazed at the wrecks that was once the pride of our

fleet, now just their turrets and mast sticking up out of the water.  We lost Nevada,

Oklahoma, West Virginia, Arizona, California and Utah and Ogalala, Cassin, Shaw, Downes

(3 Destroyers).  Headed for task for that is searching for the Japs that are left.


Dec. 11th


Headed for task force, everyone hoping we run across some Jap ships.


Dec. 12th


Headed for task force.


Dec. 13th


Planes swooped down on us this morning, but we had spotted them and sent out our

recognition signal, they were planes from the Lexington.


About 4 o’clock joined up with task force.


Dec. 14th


Cruising with task force


Dec. 15th


Force getting low on oil and it is too rough for oiling at sea, so we get orders to return

to Pearl Harbor.


Dec. 16th


Heading for Pearl Harbor.


Dec. 17th


Heading for Pearl Harbor.


Dec. 18th


Arrived at Pearl Harbor this morning, fueling ship, and then we went alongside repair ship



Dec. 19th 


Loading up with more ammunition and getting ship ready for war


Dec. 20th 


Doing misc. jobs about the ship and loading.


Dec. 21st 


Just heard today that we are going to convoy some ships to Palmyra Island and Christmas



Dec. 22nd


Carried out routine ships work and finished about everything there was for stripping ship

for action.


Xmas is near, but there is no Xmas spirit in the fleet.  Everyone just wants a crack at

the yellow bastards that attacked us.  We will get it.


Dec. 23rd


Left Pearl Harbor with 4 ships in convoy for Christmas Island and Palmyra Island.


Dec. 24th


Contacted Submarine on sound gear and convoy scattered.  We attacked with 600 lb. Depth

charges, dropped 5 of them.  Submarine surfaced bow up at a angle of about 45 degrees

and poised this way for about a minute, no 1 gun and no 3 put about 4 shots apiece in it. 

She sank with a big hissing noise.  So long you yellow bastards.  Repaying debt for Pearl

Harbor.  Picked up convoy and proceeded on our course.


Dec. 25th


Xmas and had a nice dinner with all the fixings, nothing happened today, just routine

ship work


Dec. 26th 


Everything peaceful, proceeding on our course


Dec. 27th 


Proceeding on our course.


Dec. 28th 


Proceeding on our course.


Dec. 29th


Proceeding on our course.


Dec. 30th


Proceeding on our course.


Dec. 31st 


Proceeding on our course.




January 1st


1942 New years, but we don’t realize it, just another day.


January 2nd


Arrived at Christmas Island about 4 0clock, started patrolling outside the harbor while

ships were being unloaded.


January 3rd


Soldiers brought us out a boatload of coconuts and all hands were drinking the milk. 

Report came in that a Jap aircraft carrier was attacking Jarvis Island.  All hands put

on alert.


January 4th


Convoy ships finished unloading and we left Christmas Island for Palmyra.


January 5th


Picked up other ships off Palmyra and proceeded to Honolulu.


January 6th


Proceeding to Honolulu.


January 7th


Proceeding to Honolulu, everything peaceful.


January 8th

Just before daylight, lookout reported torpedo wake across our bow.  We were using

listening device, sound operator switched to sound and picked up submarine about 2,000

yards off port bow another torpedo missed our stern about 40 yards.  Director picked up

periscope about 1500 yards to port, Guns 4 and 1 opened up on it.  Captain swung the

ship and headed full speed for it.  Convoy got signal and had scattered.  As we were

heading for the sub she submerged her scope and as we passed over her let go 3 600 lb.

Depth charges and 2 from the Y gun.  Circled back and there was lots of oil and wreckage

on the spot where we let go.  Captain congratulated all hands on good work.  Some more

yellow bastards for Pearl Harbor.  Assembled convoy and proceeded toward Honolulu. 

Convoy signaled congratulations.


January 9th


Sighted two patrol bombers from Pearl Harbor gave them recognition signal.  About 11 am

dropped convoy at Honolulu and proceeded to entrance of Pearl Harbor.  Received a well

done from C in C...


January 10th


In the navy yard Pearl Harbor.


January 11th


Taking on stores and doing minor repairs to ship.


January 12th


Left Pearl Harbor with task force, consisting of 2 aircraft carriers, 5 heavy cruisers,

11 destroyers and 2 fast fleet oil tankers.  Captain told us this afternoon we are going

to attack the Marshal Islands.


January 13th


Proceeding with task force.


January 14th


Proceeding with task force.  Planes from carriers are patrolling away ahead of us, and

practicing dive-bombing on us.


January 15th


Crossed equator, no celebration


January 16th


All destroyers in task force fueling at sea, we finished about sun set.


January 17th


Proceeding with task force.


January 18th


Proceeding with task force


January 19th


Proceeding with task force.




January 20th


Captain called all chiefs into his cabin and explained to us what we were going to do

in the attack, and that the task was receiving information from our submarines operating

around the Marshal Islands every 3 hours as to the situation.


January 21st


Received orders from task force commander for Drayton, Clark and Lamson to proceed to

Samoa and guard outside harbor for convoy that was heading for there with marines and

supplies we are making 32 knots.


January 22nd


Arrived at Pago Pago Samoa, went inside to fuel ship.  Had 2 hrs. Liberty got some cold

beer at the naval station.  Left the harbor about 6 pm. And patrolled outside during the

night, sounding for subs.


January 23rd


Patrolling outside Pago Pago


January 24th


Patrolling outside Pago Pago


January 25th


About 10 am, sighted convoy, three large Matson liners, the Lurline, Matsonia and the

Monterey and 3 large navy supply ships, they were loaded with 4,000 marines, tanks and

guns and ammunition and planes.


January 26th


Left Pago Pago Samoa to join up with task force.


January 27th


Proceeding at 25 knots.


January 28th


About 9 o’clock sighted 3 planes, got ready for action, sent recognition signal with the

signal light and planes answered.  They were from our carriers.  About 2 o’clock sighted

our task force.  Fell in position with them.


January 29th


All destroyers fueling at sea from tankers.


January 30th


Proceeding toward Marshall Islands.


January 31st


Nearing Marshal Island, Captain called all hands to quarters and told us we will go into

action tomorrow morning.  All kind of remarks from crew was heard during the day about

what we were going to do with the Japs.


February 1st


General quarters sounded about 3 o’clock all hands taking showers and putting on clean

clothes.  4 o’clock all hands at their battle stations.  Day is just breaking, planes

taking off from carriers.  Can make out Juluit Island, the Japs main base in the Marshals.

We can hear loud explosions; our planes are bombing all ready.  The heavy cruisers are

firing also.  Our guns will not range that far, we are standing by for a torpedo attack

and protecting the carriers.  Can see all kinds blazes from fires on the beach.  The

carriers are making about 27 knots now on their courses.  Planes are landing and loading

up more bombs and taking off again.  We leave the carrier and proceed at 35 knots; a Jap

carrier is leaving the entrance to the harbor.  There are 5 of us destroyers making the

attack.  We can see our planes engaged in fights with the Jap planes.  We get in range

and all make a fast turn and let go one torpedo apiece.  About 6 Jap planes are diving

at us, but our guns are throwing them off.  Some of our fighter planes came in and

battling them.  When the bombs they drop go off you can feel the concussion believe me. 

Our torpedo’s hit, boy you can see the explosions and the Jap carrier is laying over on

her side.  We fall back to the carriers and keep up our aircraft barrage.  We can pick

out the Jap planes easy enough.  We can see planes falling in the water.  Can’t see what

damage the planes are doing at the base in the harbor but by the smoke and explosions

they are doing plenty.  One big Jap 4 motor job badly hit tried to crash on the carriers’

deck, but just hit the edge and burst into flames.  Can see them fighting the fire. 

About 11 a.m. Cease firing went and all the ships proceeding away at full speed.  Our

planes were landing as we are going away.


February 4th


Proceeding to Samoa, flags were flown at half-mast for the dead.


February 5th


Arrived at Samoa.


February 6th


At Samoa.


February 7th


Carriers and cruisers left here for Pearl Harbor.


February 8th


At Samoa.


February 9th


Left Samoa to join another task force.


February 10th


Proceeding to meet task force.


February 11th


Met up with task force consisting of aircraft carrier Lexington, 4 cruisers an oil tanker

and 8 destroyers.


February 12th


Crossed International Date Line, gained a day, so today is Friday the 13th.


February 13th


Near the Solomon Islands.


February 14th


Fueling at sea.  Received word we will escort the oil tanker Neasho.


Back to Pearl Harbor when she is through fueling the force.


February 15th


Crossed International Date Line about 2 o’clock this morning so we had two Sundays.


Cruising toward Honolulu with Neasho.


February 16th


Proceeding to Pearl Harbor with Neasho.


February 17th


Proceeding to Pearl Harbor with Neasho.


February 18th


Proceeding to Pearl Harbor with Neasho, about 10 o’clock this sighted a raft with a white

flag flying, investigated it and no one aboard.


February 19th


Proceeding to Pearl Harbor with Neasho.


February 20th


Crossed the equator this morning about 11 am.  No celebration.  Still on course for

Pearl Harbor.


February 21st


Still on course for Pearl Harbor


February 22nd


Still on course for Pearl Harbor


February 23rd


Still on course for Pearl Harbor


February 24th


Still on course for Pearl Harbor


February 25th


Still on course for Pearl Harbor About 10 a.m. sighted a patrol plane from Pearl Harbor.


February 26th


Still on course for Pearl Harbor.


February 27th


Arrived at Pearl Harbor.  Went along side Whitney.


February 28th


Notified that I am being transferred tomorrow to USS Whitney for further assignment



March 1st


Left the old Drayton and reported aboard Whitney, kind of hated to leave her after being

aboard for over 5 years.


March 2nd


Aboard the USS Whitney just hanging around.


March 3rd


Went ashore as beer was allowed to be sold again and lifted a few, had a good liberty.


March 4th


Aboard the USS Whitney waiting, might be here for over a month.


March 5th


Aboard the Whitney Went ashore again and lifted a few and see who I could see.


March 6th


Transferred to US Rec. ship Pearl Harbor for further assignment, don’t know where.


March 7th-Thru 15th


Still at receiving ship, life of Riley.  (Last entry)


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  • It's historical recollections such as your Dad's that should be the basis of the movies they make about December 7th! Reality is so much more capturing than the crap they invent! You should condense the diary to all the active entries, create a web page for it and publish your Dad's story on line! Entitle it "How one sailor lived through Pearl Harbor and the war"

    If we have lost your Dad, his memories should live on for future generations to know!


    • Hi Jim, not sure if my first reply went thru as internet interruption.  I was saying My father joined in 1921 and retired about 1947. ended up in Welaka Florida, He was a Chief carpenters mate which was changed to damage controlman. he became a judge and a mayor for several terms.  when he died he was buried in Arlington cemetery

      I only was in for 4 years 1950-1954, sometimes i wished i would have stayed in.

      Thank you for reading.

  • Interesting read.  Hopefully more will be published.

    • Hi Al,

      I transcribed this diary from my fathers hand written diary as it would be hard to read otherwise.  We went to pearl harbor as part of a cruise and i was looking at a list of all the ships that were in the harbor at the time of the attack and my fathers ship wasn't there, so after reading it over again i realized he said he was going back to the ship to get a clean uniform and was staying on the Mount Whitney, a destroyer tender, while on leave as Pearl was his home port. His ship, the Drayton was escorting the carriers that the Japs couldn't find.  that is all that i had.  thanks for reading. Ron

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