Memories on board ship

Back in 82 while I was aboard the USS Puget Sound AD-38 out of Gaeta, Italy I started a Rough Log book.  It was a way for people to vent.  It traveled from shop to shop for a year. There is art, cartoons, stories and poems as well as day to day bs. If you want to check it out go to

It really brings back memories.

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  • John: I think this a very good idea you got going. It remainds of some things that I remember when I was a young seaman in 1953. We was underway from San Diego,Ca to Korea. We must have been out to sea for about a week and one night this big old boatswain mate started chasing this young tender around the lower living quarters and of course they both was naked as two jay birds well anyhow this young seaman had no idea what was going on and here all of us laughing up storm started to run and tried to find a place to hide. Well this old boatswain mate finally took his shower and hit the rack and this young seaman jump in a big laundry bag and stayed their all night and from that day the kid was scared to death of the boatswain mate. Thanks for bring back this old memory.

    Jack Butler
    • I have had great response to the book. It is fun to remember the good old days. Please pass it on to your friends and family. I am selling the book to pay for my daughters medical bills. Any and all support is welcome. Thanks again and it sounds like you had a interesting time while you were in too. Thanks for serving our country. John
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