Democrats and Veterans

Has anyone taken time to notice that, the congressional Democrats have totally, I repeat totally not figured in one penny in the new budget for the Veterans Admin. Yessir, they campaign all over the country to the Vets and lied through their grimmy teeth and suck it to them after they got their votes. Democrats have continually stabbed the Vets in the back and if they would get their way they would do away with them completely. We need millions of letters swarming these self centered, self serving, socialist leaning idiots. They have no concept, nor do they care about this country other then the fact that they are about getting power and money for themselves. They will do anything to strip us of our wealth and freedoms, until they have us on our knees like the servantitude in China or Russia. I know this might sound abit radical, but the proof is there by their own actions. We need men and women that are focus on our Constitution and the Rule of Law. It was like Obama the day before yesterday giving his speech on getting the tax cheaters. He didn't have to got far to get them, about half of his nomintees for his administratin were tax cheaters and were disqualified. Why not start prosecuting there, we would be prosecuted. Just another case of double standard, you know like the socialist in Russia and China have. Hmmmmmmmmmmm Paul Beyer

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    • I believe that Specter, Collins, and who ever the other idiot Rep. is, they should be stripped from the GOP. Not just for the votes, but for the priniciple, they hardly ever vote with the platform and beliefs of the party. They are Dems, period. I will not say that every thing the Reps thrills me that much, but normally they do follow the Constitution. I to did not and will never accept Obama as my president, for the fact thay he is not a legal candidate by the rule of law and not a representative of the American people and our founding fathers. I believe the only way this is going to be resolved is to take to the streets by the thousands and protest and to vote them out ASAP. Liberals!!!!!!!!!
  • I think the only one in the Iowa delegation is Con. Steve KIng, he has guts to say it the way it is and his GOP colleques consider him an embarrassment, like those of Ron Paul. These guys are Constitutionlist. They think like our forefathers. If there is a rule of law, then follow it to the "T". Most look for self glorification or power seeking for themselves and have learned from the DC system to survive is not make ripples. Just do what it takes to get re-elected and sooner or later you will become a fixture to their mold. That is why they can't give you a straight answer most of the time, first they have to get outside and stick their finger to the political wind to make sure they don't loose there status, etc. They change back and forth. Like the immigration issue. Does it make sense to have about 20 million or whatever in America, NO. How did this happen? Its about votes, period. Look at the cost, billions and billions a year in health care alone. Loss jobs, less wages, government health care(you watch what they do to veteran hosipitals), etc.,etc. And I don't blame the immigrants at all, they are trying to work and do what they can for their families, they're just victims of this. Soon enough it will turn on them to. We are the victims now, because what freedoms we have enjoyed
    all these years, we are watching now start to be taken, not slipping, but taken away by the force of morons out of control. Were in trouble.We will have to speak out more and stop this. Paul
  • I hear your pain my Brother, where were you during the election. Man, Brother Tim Gulliford were giving them hell in our blogs on here. We sure could have used your help, although we had each others six pretty good. Good to see another " WE THE PEOPLE " patriot on board. Sure don't hear anything out of those O fans now. There are quite a few of us here that still think the way our Forefathers did, just a shame that bling-bling change blinded a bunch of them. Thank you brother Paul for speaking your mind, thats what it's going to take to get this mess turned around. Paul no need to apologize, that's what we need in this country is mor ranters & ravers to stand up and get rid of this jerk and his bling- bling wavers.
    D. John Maddalena
    • I am giving them Hell now at Myspace....doing my rotation there lol. I got into it on a family Genealogy website with someones (a family member) cousin who was trying to cover up his liberal side. We "debated" but he had no solid ground or facts to back up his claims. Typical lib talk.

      Did you all see this latest story?

      "Asked in an interview with The New York Times if the United States is winning in Afghanistan, Obama said "no," while adding "our troops are doing an extraordinary job in a very difficult situation."

      Nice motivation and backing of our Military. I see white flags being shipped into the ration bags.

      Blue, thanks for the shout out. Paul, Rant on brother.

      I wonder, I just wonder, where are the "fairness Doctrines" on this site? ;)
      • Just like our second admend. rights which they will attack soon enough. the first admend they will attack also. Otherwise their socialist goals cannot work. People have to get their heads out of the sand. They want socialism, period. They look at Russia and China and see how they have control over the people and they only way that can happen is through loss of freedoms. They have to strip us of our right to bare arms for defense and the right to control an out of control government and to not jus limit our speech, but to stop us and the Becks, Limbaughs, etc. etc. The problem I hope is that they started this transition to prematurely. But I am not sure here, because as I rolled CNN last night they had this nitwit on there that was blaming this all on the out of control right wing Reps. This is not about political parties, its gone far past that, it is about our rights. They want it a political party battle as a diversion. The liberals is what we call them, they are socialist and most don't understand what that means. And there is no defense in what they do. That is why they cannot explain it. Socialism is very sneaky and disasterous. It angers me to no end of what is going on right now. We have to work hard to stop it. Paul
    • I just stubbling onto this site about three weeks ago, haven't figure out how so far, but glad I did. I have been a GOP activist in Iowa for over thirty years, on the conservative side. Two years ago I resigned from the state central committee and county chair position, because I felt I was wasting my time. The two party system is broke, because of the money and power brokers. No matter how hard you work or how good a candidate you come up with, if they don't get the seal of approval from these people, it became very obvious finally to me that you was spinning your wheels. That is why we loss the Dole and McCain elections. We could have had good candidates, but either party will not put someone in there that can't be controlled. I just decided that it was time to work in a different way. Even alot of the conservative right wing orgs are more concerned about taking the issues for fund raising, but in reality they have little effect, their more about getting more to keep org alive. I know this sounds abit like conspiracy type stuff, but it doesn't alter the fact, it is. I think we see this especially in this Madoff case, the guy billion to invest and they may give him a stay of sentencing. The guy is guilty, if it was me or you we would be in jail right now. Al Capone was kids stuff in light of what goes on today in DC. I will continue to write letters to the editor and speak out and hopefully people will stop and think a minute, maybe they will research some of the things you and others are saying and see we can't stand for this. I like your letters, keep up the good work. Paul
      • I'm with you Paul, and so are a bunch of other "Old Time Patriots" here on this web site. What was it Popye used to say, " I am what I am!" Sorry if we step on some toes; but if you ask me it time to start stomping on them. The hell with the tip-toeing around BS. It's time to start a bon fire under thier asses.
  • obviously enough to elect one for Pres and an assortment of congressional and sentorial idiots. You know it's easy to call them that and come to accept the fact at what they do is idiotic, but these are educated people and they know what they are doing. They are focused on their objective and it appears it is to strip us of our money and freedoms. Things like this are not by accident. Especially for the men and women serving in the middle east and around the world now. It is shamefull in light of what our fathers have served and died for in the years past. If we stand by then we are all the idiots. Paul
  • It also would have helped if the congress and courts would have ruled that he is not a citizen and unqualified to be a candidate. Most people today are looking for a handout without any consideration of what kind of strings are attached to them. That old saying about be suspicious of supposeded gift givers. What is happening right now is beyond belief, we are watching to destruction of what could be one of the last free societies in history, through our stupidity. I am a firm believer that it he or she hasn't served their country in the military they shouldn't be in contention for any national office. I don't believe you know what you have until you have made a decision to put your life of the line for it. D.C. is full of spineless wonders, hero's in their own minds. I do have to apologize for my ranting, this last few weeks I have had a belly for of this nonsense and have been unloading at every opportunity. Paul
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