Democrats and Veterans

Has anyone taken time to notice that, the congressional Democrats have totally, I repeat totally not figured in one penny in the new budget for the Veterans Admin. Yessir, they campaign all over the country to the Vets and lied through their grimmy teeth and suck it to them after they got their votes. Democrats have continually stabbed the Vets in the back and if they would get their way they would do away with them completely. We need millions of letters swarming these self centered, self serving, socialist leaning idiots. They have no concept, nor do they care about this country other then the fact that they are about getting power and money for themselves. They will do anything to strip us of our wealth and freedoms, until they have us on our knees like the servantitude in China or Russia. I know this might sound abit radical, but the proof is there by their own actions. We need men and women that are focus on our Constitution and the Rule of Law. It was like Obama the day before yesterday giving his speech on getting the tax cheaters. He didn't have to got far to get them, about half of his nomintees for his administratin were tax cheaters and were disqualified. Why not start prosecuting there, we would be prosecuted. Just another case of double standard, you know like the socialist in Russia and China have. Hmmmmmmmmmmm Paul Beyer

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  • It was interesting to go back to this discussion from 2+ years ago and compare to current conditions! It's amazing how much has proved itself out! Since March of 2009, we have seen the little heads of corruption and all it's ugly little cousins start surfacing!

    So, here we are now in the beginning of the chance to make things right! We know that the current occupant of 1600 PA Ave is not going to be opposed from that side. But, what choices do we have on the other? Speaking as Navy men, it looks as though we will have to take the best ship we can find in the fleet that exists into battle! If the Captain and the crew have guts enough and the determination, victory is possible! So, I and I am sure others have to decide who we want as the Captain! Given the choices, I can only see one that demonstrates any guts! They all have baggage! But, we are heading into a gale! Maybe even a typhoon! What do you want in your Captain? Guts or ??????

  • Good job Don. Harkin is a pain in the butt. What really gets me is the fact that his home is in the Bahama's. He has a apartment in Iowa, to qualify himself as a so called citizen. Kind of like a so called man or veteran. Another power grabber that blow hot air up everyone's you know what. I am sick of these un-American idiots, if they want socialism so bad why not go to Cuba, China, or Russia where they will fit right in, of course they won't because what they want is socialism for controlling us and the power to do it and take from us for themselves. The so called power intelligent elitest. Harkin may eventually answer you letter, but likely not. If he does or his staff of puppets, they will dance around the issue. Grassley will answer and if you offend him, he will let you know, he has me before. I aggree with his comments the other day, the only problem, it should be directed to the people that created the problem, the politicians and we already know they are not Japanese, not enough guts or principles in their make up to committ suicide. You are right though, they or someone wrote this legislation, didn't take time to read it, intensionally built in the bonus provision, passed it, and then screamed tilt when it happened. Like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, made legislation for everyone to get a house, no provisions for control how to qualify, guaranteed protection for the lenders, past it, loss billions of dollars, crushed home owners, allowed for billions again for bonus to Democratic leaders, and then wonder what happened. I have 13 grand children that have twice the brains that these idiots have in handling affairs and money. Under idiots in Webster they president, congress, and senate, it ain't then it should be. I should not have opened these emails until after church, I have to teach a adult Sunday School class today, and I probably will be side tracted again on this very issue. Later
    • My lesson today is from the book of Esther where the king is enticed to sign a decree to kill all the Jews, by the second in command because Mordecai would not bow down to him. Mordecai a Jew wore sack cloth and wailed loudly from the kings gate in protest. Queen Esther hid the fact that she was a Jew to her husband king. Mordecai being Esthers cousin and raising her, convinved Esther to go before the king and change this. As today you don't go before people of power without being called to come, or you could be put to death, even a wife. Esther said if I perish, then I perish. This is what Veterans did long ago till now, we have decided that what we believe in is worth putting our life on the line. We raised our hand and took an oath to our Constitution and what this country stands for. Esther did that and she approached the King and to shorten the event, the Jews was spared, the second in command was hung and Mordecai was placed in that position.
      The Bible is full of one instance after another of events like this, because that is what our life is about. Our country was founded under these principles and by men and women that believed and lived Godly lifes. This is also why in socialist countries you see God being stripped out of everything, missionaries killed or deported. When God is taken out of of the equation, the society soon collapese. We have been watching this for years in this country, every year something else is taken out of our schools. The Koran can be used, but not the Bible, the very instrument that our founding fathers used to frame our Constitution. Not to sound preachy this morning gentlement, but just a little insight into why we are where were at and also what its going to take to get it back. We can do it, but not on our own merits, we can only survive if we recognize where our power comes from . Later, Paul
  • I didn't vote for him either, but could see that it was going to happen. A large element in our society believe that government have all the answers and will take care of them. So they are easily mislead, probably being, they don't realize the fact that there is a cost. The cost is not only higher taxes, but these morons want to restrict our freedoms along with contol of our money. In a capitalism, if you fail, you loose, government does not bail you out. In a socialist society, government wants control of everything. This is what they are demostrating right now. They want it and they will take it. If we resist, they will take it anyway. We will have to fight on this one, We are fighting a socialist administration, with many of them in the congress and senate. Between Pelosi and Reid, I don't know which is dumber, they both are two of the most idiotic people I think I have ever seen. The only thing that could even come close would be the ones that voted them in offic. What can these people be thinking. Annoyed again, Paul
  • Well, if people were dumb enough to believe them and vote for the Muslim Obama over The Veteran McCain they have no one to blame but themselves.Obama was elected solely because of his color.
    • I do believe color was a factor, but I honestly believe that the main reason was the hype on change. If you remember in the beginning, everything was broke. The politicians, mainly Dems, harped on and about Bush for 8 years, everything is wrong and everything is broke. This is an excellent political stunt that will work and it did. Break it and then fix it and Obama was proclaimed the fixer. I also thing McCain was the wrong candidate, because his voting record was more to the left then it should have been. I also believe he would have handled many of these money situations we have seen the last few weeks very similar to what has been going on. Basically because these are the power brokers and they have to keep the brokers happy. You see as a GOP activist for the past over thirty years, I have learned that the voters don't get people elected, we just finish what has already been decided by them. Their job is to keep us diverted from the in fighting of the two parties. The proof of this is in what battles we have been fighting for the forty-ffity years, the same ones. What has been solve, non of them. We still fight abortion, gun control, higher taxes, government spending, etc, etc. Both dance to the power brokers tune, while we pick up the tab.Later
      • I hear ya'll, and we are going to have one hell of a fight to get this mess straightened out. All we can do is band together and stick together until we get what we are looking for. From what I see here on this site is a bunch of Brother Vets with the same ideals and morals stuck in the same boat. What ever we all decide to do I'm with ya'll, lock and load.
        Brother David, you have that 50 cal loaded don't ya. All I know they have done stirred up a hornets nest, I don't think for one min. the Brother Vets are going to stand for it. I know this whole situation has got my Native American blood boiling.
        • This is the same point that we all have been making all along in this. We VETERANS will stick together. We may not all agree in how things should be done. But we do agree that this country AMERICA is the greatest country there is. We have a rule of law and the Constitution and to waver from it is wrong and we will not stand for it. We have laid our lifes on the line like our founding fathers and our fathers to defend it. We will not stand by while a bunch of panty waisted politicians sell us down the river because they have never made a committment for America, other then to take from it. I am sick of these socialist and the drugy/ faggots from Hollywood getting the media attention. They have contributed nothing to this country, their predecessors like John Wayne, Bob Hope, Glen Ford, Jimmy Stewart and many others did. Fortunately for them they are gone, so the fight is ours and we are ready. Yes, my blood is boiling to, has been for some time.
    • That's right Jim, every low life in the country came out of the woodwork, crawled out from under rocks, came out of the crack allies, and off the red light street corners to vote for him just because he was a black man. Now thier wondering who's going to pay their rent, feed thier chill'ns, and put gas in their pimp rides. They took his line of crap hook line and sinker, now they have to choke on it. Right after the wife and I left the polls, we went to eat at Wendy's' and in walks this black gal, looked like she just came from the red light side of town, had on a tee shirt that had a pic of Obama and the caption read " Obama is my homie ". That goes to show what kind of mentallity came out to vote for him. The same goes for Rev. Write, and I use the term Rev. loosely. But that's ok, when he they find out he conned them, they will drop him like a hot potato and say it was his white side that made him do it. You know his racist side.
  • The only way they can strip you of your right to bare arms is to outlaw short sleeve shirts. As far as The Right To Bear Arms all it takes is a majority vote in The House and Senate. Since the Dems have the majority plus 3 Repubs who vote with them on everything, Arlen Specter is one, they will get whatever they want. We elected these people and have to take some responsibility. I never voted for Specter and I certainly didn't vote for Obama !!
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