Navy Vets helping Navy Vets

A major part of our Transition Assistance Program (TAP) class covered networking through veterans groups such as the Legion and VFW. The gist of the briefs indicated that as we prepared to rejoin the civilian world, our experiences and work ethic would be best understood and appreciated by other veterans already in the civilian workforce.This was at least partially true. I put out 15 cold call resumes in my current field, and the only one that returned my follow up call was a Navy Vet. He had no job for me at the time, but he helped me find one.I put it to you that part of the purpose of a site such as this is to effectively network Navy Veterans already working in the civilian world to be a source of possible job leads to either recent retirees or those getting ready to take the leap.What do you think?KevinPortland OR

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    • So, Sherwin, What State "command" are you starting? We all have at least one connection that may be hiring... I don't know if Doug is info'd in on this, but if a "boilerplate" description of what we are trying to do here was available, and every one of us took it to our local VFW or Fleet Reserve Association, it would increase visibility and membership at the site as well extending the job seeking network to veterans established in the business community.

  • Kevin,

    I'd really like to see this site evolve into that and much more. Once this thing begins to pay its own bills, I'd actually like to take any profits and fund any programs that will help veterans!

    Perhaps one way to start is by starting 'State Groups' - like 'Oregan Veterans' where people can connect regionally and connect opportunities to veterans!

    I think I'll put out a note on that!
  • I could not agree more. As Vets, sites like this help one another be in contact with like minded people who shared a life that the general public will not understand. Not only sites like this one help us share pictures, stories, and ideas, but also develop friendships. Helping another Vet transition into the civilian world or land a new job is just another way a site like this with members like us can serve. Serving our Nation does not stop with our discharge.
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