Veteran Access to Military Bases

here's a question that maybe someone can answer.My dad (MOMM3 1943-46) lives near the Lakehurst Naval Air Station in Lakehurst New Jersey. While visiting him last week he wanted to take me over to the base to get some things at the PX but he was refused entry. He says he used to go over there on ocassion and never had trouble getting on base. Is this a new security policy at all bases? I thought vets still had access. Also, the guards at the front gate didnot look like regular Naval Personnel. They were dressed in all-black fatigues and baseball caps with a .45 side arm and no identifying patches or rank. Again, is this something new? Just curious.

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  • If go the web site FRA.ORG look Bills before congress they taring to pass a bill disable vets to PX and commisary Tom Wallin
    Page Redirection
  • Ray, thanks for your input. appreciate it.

    Tom, you're definitely correct on them not being your run of the mill "Rent a cops". The guys we delt with at the front gate looked every bit the "Black ops" kind of guys. They were very intimidating. And perhaps that's the whole point of them being there. But what gets me is why is the department of defense wasting money on this when they have perfectly trained active duty personel that could be performing this duty?
    • Hi Richard, Tom, Tim, close

      I think it is to release active duty members so they are able to be in hot spots like Iraq. Our current level of military personnel is extremely low so the Feds are utilizing ways of covering positions and releasing much needed troops to the battle grounds. Look at the Navy today with its individual augmentation plan to help support the boots on the ground with Sailors.

      When I was at NAS Lemoore for reserves, one of the things that changed since my active duty days was who was refueling the birds. It was fueled by a private contractor. Anyways, that took me be surprise because in my day, we did everything for our Jets.

      These Security personnel at the bases are paid fairly well and possibly trained at the Federal Law Enforcement facility in Georgia. The facilities name escapes me as it is late here and my brain is shutting off.
      • Sorry Tim. It was just a key stroke error. The i and the o sit right next to each other. :-o
        • lol it is all good, just teasin' you over it. I tend to switch letters myself with the most common one being "the" is "teh" a lot....DOH!
  • Richard, I believe the people you encountered at the base entrance are federally hired security guards. I live in Caldwell, Idaho and my wife and I frequently go to Mountain Home Air Force Base for our healthcare and visiting the Px. The same uniformed, pistol caring guards are on duty there. Different security conditions dictate that Personnel, active or retired with a need to be on base will usually be granted access, however, there are times when they do deny access to others not in an active or retired status. Hope that helps. Email me anytime. Ray
    • The Federal Government seems to be hiring more "Security Specialist" which I believe are the people in that position. These are not your rent a cop types either.
  • Contact base security and maybe even the Commanding Officer. I have not heard of any new changes. I am assuming your dad is a retired vet?

    Lakehurst Contact:

    PAO Office Contact Information:

    Thomas Worsdale: 732-323-2811,*
    Lawrence Lyford: 732-323-1079,*
    Patricia Odoardo: 732-323-2858,*
    General Information: 732-323-2620

    I have FAS Moffett (ex-Nas;now owned by NASA) and the personnel at the gates wear the same uniform as your described. Not sure why a Navy Base would hire out to a 3rd party vendor but then again, they are hiring private companies to do what Naval Personnel use to do. At Nas Lemoore, the Fueling station is ran by private company and who knows what else is relied on 3rd party companies. I disagree on this type of practice.
    • Thanks Tim.
      I emailed Thomas Worsdale who is an information officer at Lakehurst and he responded very quickly. Navy policy (which I did not know) only allows "retirees" with the correct ID to have access to military bases. Regular Vets that were honorably discharged after their enlistment are not "retirees" and are therefore considered regular civilians with no base priviledges.

      I didn't ask about the gate personnel.
      • We can go onto a 'closed' base (Closed by BRAC) like FAS Moffett but getting beyond the door at the PX is another story. You need to be Active, Reserve, and Retiree from military and certain Government Agencies.
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