Attack Squadron 85; Official Nickname: Black Falcons, 1958–1994. A-6 squadron / NAS Oceana

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  • I checked into VA 42 framp on the weekend after the nose wheel incident. What the hell were they thinking? I was on the flight deck (a few planes away) when the plane captain pulled the canopy jetison pin. He said he felt resistance and really had to give it a tug.....and all of a sudden whoosh. The pilot (and b/n) were up on the wing doing their pre-flight and I believe got knocked down as the canopy flew into the folded wings. Nobody seriously hurt, plane captain rcvd burns and the aircrew were a little shaken up. I somehow came up with accident investigation photos of the incident (big 8x11 B&W pix).
  • I don't recall the canopy incident but there were two guys crushed in 42's hanger, a First Class and a Chief metal smith. They were changing the downlock actuator on the nose strut without a nose jack. It was a horrible day in the hanger. I wish I could remember their names.
  • I just got a note from Tocci who remembered a canopy that somehow jettisoned from the cabin and a plane captain was badly burned. Anyone familiar with that incident? Or how about the person that was crushed in the nose wheel well at VA-42's hanger?
  • Anyone planning to attend the Forrestal reunion in Va. Beach?
  • Hi Loren I think that i remenber Otto wasnt he an AE in the squadron i dont know if anyone remenbers a instructor that gave clases in VA-42 for the people goin in line division service he looked like Steve Downes he was chew me in almost every day for been late at formation but he was a good person and i owed him a great gratitude for helping me out well i have to go Loren as soon as i post the pictures that i have you will know for sure who I am glad to be a buckeye.
  • Hey AL i left a comment for you but i dont know if will get it i will post my photo and some that i have of the squadron as soon as i transfer them to the computer talk to you soon.
  • Hey Ramon I think I remember you I was in the line with Kalu and kunkle remember Otto think he was the second class. Mitch
  • Good day to all black falcons i was station in NAS Oceana in the the same squadron VA 85 as a line handler even do i was a powerplant mech i also was deploy to the Forrestal or also known as Forrest fire for the incident in Vietnam well i work under the current skiper of that time CDR Zallatoper and them CDR Wrigth if anyone remember and i think Benjamin Kalu was there when i was well im glad to be a manber again is has been a long time thanks guys
  • I'd love to but I have a special needs daughter in a wheelchair and its pretty tough getting her around and finding the right care is also tough..someday...but thanks for the offer
  • Has anyone thought of or planning on attending the Forrestal reunion in Va Beach this September? I thought it might be nice, although I doubt I would be going to Williamsburg etc.. I would prefer to charter a fishing trip or get reacquainted with the area. If you would rather meet elsewhere, let's hear your thoughts. Anyone?
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2017 VA85 Reunion

Time flies but unfortunately A-6's no longer do.  Nevertheless, keep the camaraderie going!  For those who are wanting or plan to attend the next reunion, it will take place October 5th thru 8th in Charleston, SC.  To get updates regarding the reunion, you need to be added to the reunion roster.  Send an email indicating your interest to:  va85reunion@gmail.comWe had a great time during our last reunion in 2014.  Lets keep it going.  Hope to see everyone there.Any suggestions?

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Locating an old shipmate.

Does anyone recall a tall AT in the early 80's? His name was Steve, but I can't recall his last name.Also, I'm trying to locate an AE, Joey Martinez, if anyone knows how to contact him. He was in VA85 in the late 70's- early 80's.Any help would be much appreciated.

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