Attack Squadron 85; Official Nickname: Black Falcons, 1958–1994. A-6 squadron / NAS Oceana

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  • You guys are really helping me get inside the memory vault. Carney Park, Rosie Roads, Naples, Sandbridge, High Power and even court. Well most of it was good. Anyone remember fast Eddie Knudsen? He punched out that 1st class on the FID for shining the light in his eyes. Knocked him out cold! Now where's BB?
  • Al, thanks for the information about this website. I look at all these names, a boy does it bring back the memories. This is really a good way to catch up on old times. For some of you guys, I can't believe you're still alive.
  • You got it brother.....Fell out of a second story window at the cage one night :) Bushes broke my fall......
  • Kent once I saw the Navy dawn broke on ole' marble head yes we had some good parties in that "nuetral area" between our barracks and the cage..among all those huge trees
  • I worked on the line, then went to the AME shop. JJ and I was roomies over at the barracks next to the wave cage, he had a Mustang II.....I usually go by Kent then and now....Eric is something I have to use when I sign documents...Yea, screw the PC BS......I remember being at the Fleet club being as UNPC with all the turd shirts......
  • oh yeah the Lousiana con man...he could talk a dog off a meat wagon..Eric are you the guy we called vineyard...there were a few thrown into the dumpster via lockers..yeah some good ole' fashion fun and now they call it harrassment give me back the days when people could take all this fun instead of trying to be PC all the time
  • Jimmie Payne
  • And don: forget about "Muff diver"......The day he was stuffed in the locker and it was tossed into the dumpster
  • Paisano, remember Randy Stewart? Or I don't remember his name, the Boatswain mate on the line from Lousiana?
  • Yeah, I lost the face hair and the hair on my head! Probably started with all the beer I use to have for lunch at the Bowling Alley!..... It was one hell of a ride! I remember it well.... I recall going to the Gut in Naples because we were told it was off limits!
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2017 VA85 Reunion

Time flies but unfortunately A-6's no longer do.  Nevertheless, keep the camaraderie going!  For those who are wanting or plan to attend the next reunion, it will take place October 5th thru 8th in Charleston, SC.  To get updates regarding the reunion, you need to be added to the reunion roster.  Send an email indicating your interest to:  va85reunion@gmail.comWe had a great time during our last reunion in 2014.  Lets keep it going.  Hope to see everyone there.Any suggestions?

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Locating an old shipmate.

Does anyone recall a tall AT in the early 80's? His name was Steve, but I can't recall his last name.Also, I'm trying to locate an AE, Joey Martinez, if anyone knows how to contact him. He was in VA85 in the late 70's- early 80's.Any help would be much appreciated.

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