Still in Commission

21I5lCvcTtL._AA_SL160_.jpgI'm reading this fantastic book on American History. One inspiring story is that of the USS Constitution, the oldest warship still in commission. The USS Constitution first saw service against the Barbary Pirates, traveling all the way to Africa and launching the first attacks by the Marines (inspiring "the shores of Tripoli"). The success of the USS Constitution oversees brought credibility to our young country and instantly brought us respect as a naval force in the world. This proud honor prevails! The ship was almost decommissioned when Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote the great poem, Old Ironsides. Old Ironsides was a nickname the USS Constitution received when witnesses of her in battle saw cannonballs actually bounce off of her thick wooden hull. The USS Constitution is still manned with active military personnel to this day and received a major overhaul in the 1990's.

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  • Happy be-lated Birthday to her! She just turned 211 years old on 21 October.I was stationed on her from Nov 97 to Nov 00.
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