USS John Young (DD-973), named for Captain John Young USN, was a Spruance-class destroyer of the United States Navy.
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  • Reunion 2024 was held in New Orleans June 20 - 29th. There were over 65 in attendance and 56 went "back to sea" onboard Carnival Valor.
    Everyone enjoyed the time sharing sea stories and viewing the WWII Museum. The cruise ship made stops in Cozumel and Progresso.
    Next Event planned for 2026. Info posted here or on the
  • USS JOHN YOUNG... A Success

    Over 60 in attendance. There were refugees from Vietnam who me with crewmembers involved in the rescue. 

    A great reunion with a great group of shipmates!3439446682?profile=original


    40th Anniversary of the ship's commissioning. Schedule June 22,23rd and 24th 2018 in Mobile, Alabama.

    Email for more info!!3439435293?profile=original


  • I was on the USS John Young from 1983 to 1985.
  • wow,I remember you Chief.Believe it or not haha. I used to have a video of that day when we shelled that platform,and i had 3 shell casings from that day.I think I made ash trays of two of them.

  • Hi, Looking for a ship's patch. Served as the Chief in charge of A Div. 1986 to 1990 

  • Where are all our shipmates,lol? I was an MSSN and left an MS2, from 85-88. Capt. Jerry Lyall,awesome skipper.Worked in the wardroomand enlisted mess.Loved repair 3,and the snipes.Used to bake fresh bread and take it down to CCS all the time.Cooks had hook-ups! hahaha THE BONE was awesome.I miss her

  • One of the shooter that help take down an Iranian  oil flatform.
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