Recruit Training Command, Orlando Florida

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  • Derek,
    That is sort of how I got the job. Everyone who tried to call cadence, either was not loud enough or couldn't keet the beat. So after about five peoplet trying I started singing and kept the job. My company did not like the fact that I only had 3 song that I did, but my brother company did. So they would ask their CC if we could change callers. We did for a while, until both companies merged. Then it was a toss up to see which group I went with. lol
  • Actually Chief, bass violin or double bass are the only correct terms. Thanks for adding me as a friend, back at you!

    The other instrument terms, while much cooler, are colloquial...and there are as many terms for this instrument as bass players.

    The song (sung by Dana) is a bit adrift, this is pretty much singer over-exposure, in my opinion. Her voice is "ok", the song is "ok", but neither are good enough to dominate like 90% of the recording time. Not even close. Stick in the mud 1 4 5 needs some innovation, and it just ain't here.

    The dobro/steel player has great taste, why not hear him more than a partial chorus? I could go for 2-3 choruses of this cat.

    And where is the piano solo? Where is the guitar solo? Why not a drum solo and band rejoiner? Bass solo maybe? Call and response among the singer and soloists? Among the instruments? It cut off at the end, but it's VERY much a lopsided ordeal....way too much singer, not nearly enough band. Leaves me way short Chief, sorry. My 2 cents only...probably not worth that much. Great job on the bass though, very steady, really good job in fact.

    Speaking of bass, the links below are a killer bass player I hired to play about 2 years ago, he is soooo good it is not funny....Vince Bryce...the first song is..."Chinatown My Chinatown".

    also from the gig, Haggard's "Working Man Blues"

    and Hank Williams "Your Cheatin Heart"

    I'm on Tele guitar on these, the piano player is an extremely hot jazzer, btw. The best in these parts, easily.
  • Derek, it is a "Doghouse" bass. I play the one in the photo for stage musicals instead of my electrics for shows like "Always Patsy Cline" and "The Robber Bridegroom". It actually belongs to a very close friend. However last year I purchased a Breedlove Atlas 5 acoustic bass guitar. Sound wonderful and looks beautiful. He is a cheap 35mm digital camera video. This song is the first cut without the dobro and background vocals. Dana McVicker did the background vocals. She has worked with Reba McIntyre and Travis Tritt. The recording on the myspace site it the master mix down.
  • edit, "do the deed"
  • Jacquelyn,

    I saw a similar thing in reverse. Part of our company was marching and the usual cadence caller was elsewhere. So this really nice black recruit steps up to do the deep.

    He sucked, but it was ignored for a while. Then our Company Commander stopped us and fires him on the spot, and another took the cadence and we resumed marching.

    Then the Chief muttered to himself something to the effect of (I happened to be marching next to him when he said it) "I guess not all of them have rhythm".
  • The hyperlink icon didn't appear to work. Let's try this way for the Nashville recordings. The other link is I am at

  • Funny Jacquelyn! Old stereo-types. I'm very busy musically. Back then I was just out of high school and marching band that was competitive. I have been recording in Nashville recently, and play with another band locally in the eastern burbs of Atlanta. I'm the bass player. You can hear the recent Nashville songs at and the local band is Slammin' Betty Band at
  • I was in company 004 in 1993. I had a great time at boot camp and at A.T. Land (I think I was in building 113). A few officers asked my CC how did get a white girl to call candance that had rhythm.
  • One thing I remember the best is that we were NOT allowed to talk to the guys. We were told guys were trees and WAVES do NOT talk to trees! Being the only Mormon in my company, I walked by myself to church on Sundays. I remember a couple of sailors walking behind me saying, "Look at that WAVE up there...she's so stuck-up she won't even talk to us!"
    I did talk to them...once we got to our meeting room. We had to wait for the Traditional Protestants to leave first!
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RTC Orlando Veterans Roll Call online

Roll Call for all former recruits, Company Commanders, and staff stationed at RTC Orlando. held our first reunion this month and it was a blast! If you haven't already, please join our group on Facebook: The next reunion is scheduled for October 9-14, 2018 in Orlando, Florida. Please SAVE THE DATE!

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Are you attending the 2016 RTC Orlando reunion?

Just curious how many here know about the reunion. It is being planned by RTC shipmates and will be 4 nights/3 days October 12-16, 2016. You can find out information at or on Facebook, search for the page and group "RTC Orlando Reunion" or call 407-630-8940 and leave a message and someone will call you back.

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