Boilertech from 76-96 BT!

I remember going into bars  when others from ships company were there and you would hear whispers from others while we were in blues "man dont mess with the snipes you fight one you fight em all and they will kick your ass" Served on the belknap in both firerooms and the lab 38a and b divisionon the yellowstone fireoom on tour 1 with the nashville and lab on the second tour and on the coral sea in 1 group and later on the water side of the lab made a few good friends two I still keepin touch and have been shipmates for 25 plus years so go snipes espececially you BTS because we are now a dying breed and we are non replaceable by anyone or any thing. keep on steamin...

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  • Served on USS BOSTON CAG-1, #1 #4 firerooms & oil shack; USS HOLDER (Gold Crew); finished as a reservist  as an MM (not by choice) in 2000.



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